When planning a vacation, the price of the flight often plays a role. With a little skill, however, flights to almost all destinations can be found for under 600€.

1. find cheap period

This point is especially important if you are flexible in time. If you already have fixed departure and arrival dates you can skip this point.

Skyexplorer makes it very easy to find a cheap travel period. You can specify your earliest departure date and your latest arrival date in the flexible flight search. Additionally, you can specify how many days you want to spend at your destination.

So you already have a clue in which period you travel best.

2. find cheap flight by yourself

If you have chosen your period or your flight days, a price comparison between Skyscanner and Skyexplorer is worthwhile. Often can be found by vary the flight days by a few days even again significantly cheaper flights.

Are you not satisfied with the prices found can also help to wait a few days. The opinions, on which days it is cheapest flights to are unterschieldich, but in my experience can be found on weekdays mostly cheaper prices.

3. find cheap flights on MyDealz

If you don't feel like searching for cheap flights yourself, myDealz is a good place to start. Here you can search directly for your destination or browse the flights category.

If you are looking for a specific destination and do not currently find it is also worthwhile to create a keyword alert. Then you will be notified as soon as there is an offer for your search.

I have already found some very cheap flights via myDealz, for example a flight for one euro to Mallorca.