Day 1: Arrival, Historic Old Town, Charles Bridge

In the morning, we leave Augsburg shortly after 5 a.m. on the ICE train to Nuremberg. In Nuremberg, we change to the bus and arrive in Prague around midday. From the station we walk a few meters to the National Museum, the largest museum in the Czech Republic. Here we get on the Metro A to take our luggage to our accommodation .

Once we have settled into our accommodation, we set off into the city. We take Metro A and get off at Můstek station. From here, we let ourselves drift through Prague's beautiful Old Town. We soon pass the Old Town Square, the oldest square in Prague's historic Old Town. Right on the edge of the square you can also marvel at the Prague Town Hall Clock, an astronomical clock dating back to 1410! Behind the houses on the edge of the square, you can see the towers of the Church of Our Lady before Týn rising into the sky.

After exploring the Old Town Square, we continue to wander through the many alleys of the Old Town until we arrive at Kranner's Fountain on the Vltava River. From here we have an excellent view of Charles Bridge.

From here we walk along the bank towards Charles Bridge and let ourselves drift across the bridge with the crowd. From the bridge you have a beautiful view of the Vltava and Prague Castle.

The long day is slowly coming to an end, so we make our way back to our accommodation.

Day 2: Historic Old Town, Prague Castle, Karlovy Lázně

After a good night's sleep, we take the Metro A to Peace Square again. From here we let ourselves drift through the many alleyways of Prague again. After a while, we reach Charles Bridge, which we use to cross the Vltava. Once on the other side, we conquer the small climb up to Prague Castle in around 15 minutes.

At 45 hectares, Prague Castle is the largest castle complex in the world! We explore the grounds extensively, visit St. Vitus Cathedral and enjoy the excellent view over Prague.

After we have explored the grounds extensively, we make our way back down to the Old Town and head for the Dancing House on the banks of the Vltava. From here we walk to the Výtopna Railway Restaurantto have a drink. Orders are served on a model train, which travels to the table with the drinks in a trailer!

Refreshed, we let ourselves drift through the town before eating a delicious burger for dinner at Yes Burger. After dinner, we make our way back to our accommodation to get some rest.

Around midnight, we then make our way back into the city to the club Karlovy Lázně, the largest club in Central Europe! Various music genres await us there on 5 floors. If you want, you can also visit the Oxygen Bar (where you can breathe pure oxygen) or the Ice Pub (-7 °C) for an extra charge.

Day 3: National Technical Museum, Letná Park

After a good night's sleep, we make our way to the National Technical Museum. An impressive collection of bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trains, airplanes, engines and much more awaits us in the museum.

By the time we have explored the whole museum, it is already late afternoon. From the museum we walk through Letná Park back down to the Vltava. From Letná Park you have an excellent view over the Vltava and Prague!

At the bottom, we set off in search of a restaurant for dinner. After walking around a bit, we decide on the restaurant Hostinec u Rotundy. The local food there is very tasty and also very cheap!

We have a few more beers here before heading back to our accommodation.

Day 4: Departure

We leave our accommodation early in the morning to make our way to Prague Central Station, from where we take the bus home.


Prague has a well-developed public transportation network. These are relatively cheap, a 30-minute journey costs just 30 CZK (~1.18).

For our three-day stay, we bought a 72-hour ticket for 330 CZK (~13.03 euros). In addition to the tickets mentioned, there are also other tickets such as 90 minutes and 24 hours. Further information and tickets can be found on the transport company's website.


In my opinion, two to three days are enough for a short trip to Prague to explore the most important sights.

From southern Germany, you can travel by train. Alex offers daily direct connections from Munich.

Alternatively, it is also possible to travel by train or plane.