Arrival to Corsica

Our ferry to Corsica leaves Livorno in the morning at 8:00. The ferries are booked up quickly and should therefore definitely be booked in advance.

Moby Lines and Corsica Ferries offer daily connections from Livorno to Bastia. The crossing takes approximately four and a half hours.

We start our 10-day trip to Corsica in the evening around 5 pm by car near Stuttgart. Our first destination is Dornbirn, the last town before the Swiss border. We refuel here and have dinner at Burger King.

We then continue our journey to Livorno. We arrive in the morning shortly before 6 in Livorno - perfect - we should be about two hours before departure at the port. Shortly after we can also already go on the ferry. On board we drink a coffee until it goes off. We use the ride to catch up on some sleep from last night in the sun chairs on the upper deck.

Around noon we arrive in Bastia. We start our trip in Corsica in the south, so we continue directly from Bastia to our accommodation near Bonifacio.

To stretch our legs after the long journey, we stop briefly at the Plage de Tombulu Biancu, a beach just a few minutes from the port.

We then make our way to our mobilehome at the campground U Farniente. The Mobilehome is very modern furnished and also the pool area on the campsite is very nice! 
We drive briefly to the supermarket to stock up with the most necessary. For dinner we cook and then go to bed quite early to be slept in the next day.

Day 1: Plage de Canetto & Bonifacio

After breakfast we set off for the Plage de Canetto
About a kilometer before the beach, the road becomes a very rough, dirt road. Who has here no car with sufficient ground clearance, leaves his car best and puts the last meters back on foot.

Arrived at the beach are except us very few people there. The turquoise water is super clear and invites you to swim and snorkel.

Towards afternoon, we then make our way back to look at Bonifacio.

Once there, we stroll through the harbor and find out about boat trips to view the white limestone walls on which Bonifacio is built, from the seaside.

From the port we walk uphill and explore a little the citadel of Bonifacio. We make another detour to the viewpoint "Le Grand Dieu", from where you have a fantastic view of the limestone walls and the citadel.

Arriving back down in the harbor, we have an aperitif in one of the countless bars along the harbor before heading back to our accommodation.

Here we eat very tasty pizza for dinner in the pizzeria "U Canetto" located right next to our accommodation.

Day 2: Plage de Santa Giulia & boat trip in Bonifacio

In the morning we make our way to the beach Santa Guila. At the parking lot we have to pay 10€ parking fee - expensive - but this time there was a good road to the beach. The 10€ can be redeemed afterwards in the beach bars.

We relax a little on the beach and enjoy the sun.

Around noon we make our way back to the accommodation, because we want to make a boat trip in Bonifacio in the afternoon. 
The day before we have already informed us about the departures. We decided on the small family business, which departs a little further back in the harbor.

The ride takes us out of the port of Bonifacio through a few small grottos - but they are not really deep. Then we get fantastic views of the limestone cliffs of Bonifacio. While passing by we also see the staircase of the King of Aragon, which leads down from Bonifacio to the sea. Who would like can climb the 187 steps against an entrance fee of 2.50€ also from Bonifacio itself - we have been content with the sight from the sea side.

Back in Bonifacio, we eat an ice cream at the harbor before heading back to our accommodation.

Day 3: Ajaccio & Arrival in Cargese

Today we change accommodation to Cargèse. After breakfast we set off for Ajaccio, the capital of Corsica.

Once there, we park in the (very narrow) Diamant parking garage. Since we are all already hungry, we eat pizza and burger in the Café Cece first. The food is good, but unfortunately the employees were very overwhelmed why we wait over an hour for our food. We still explore the city a bit before we continue our journey to Cargèse.

Once there, we move into our mobilehome - this time not on a campground, but on our own small plot of land. Afterwards, we go shopping briefly for dinner.

After dinner we go to the beach bar Pailotte 1768, which is only a few minutes away from our accommodation. From here you have a perfect view of the sea and also the cocktails are very tasty!

Day 4: hiking in the Calanches de Piana & Piana

Unfortunately, very mixed weather is reported for today. After breakfast, however, the sun does show up, which is why we make our way to the Calanches de Piana to hike there to the Château Fort. We drive on the adventurous road through the Calanches and park our car at a parking lot at the Tête du Chien, a rock in the shape of a dog's head. From here we hike about 20 minutes towards the coast. Unfortunately, it starts to thunderstorm on the way, which clouds the view a bit. Nevertheless, the view of the red rocks pierced by dark clouds is very impressive.

Arriving back at the car, we make our way to Piana. We explore the small town center and then eat delicious paninis in Le phoeca.

Then we make our way back to the accommodation. On the way we still stop in the port of Cargèse to inform us about the boat tours to the Calanches.

On the way to the accommodation we buy still to grill in the accommodation. 

Day 5: Run to the Tour Génoise d'Omigna & beach day at Plage de Péru

Since today again perfect weather is predicted we want to spend the whole day at the beach. To get some more exercise, I go running in the morning. As a goal I have set me the Tour Génoise d'Omigna, which is well visible from the beach. A small trail leads from the beach along the coast and reveals magnificent views over the bay.

Afterwards, we have a hearty breakfast before heading to the beach Plage de Péru - the beach right by our accommodation. At lunch, we get very tasty fries at the beach bar U Lustincone.

Towards evening we make our way back to the accommodation. On the way we still go shopping to grill in the evening.

Day 6: Beach day & snorkeling at Plage d'Arone

After breakfast we make our way to the Plage de Ficajola. At the turnoff, unfortunately, a sign awaits us, which tells us that the road there is closed.

In the tourist information we are told that the road is currently only open on weekends. Somewhat disappointed, we make our way to the nearby Plage d'Arone. The drive there offers spectacular views of the coast and Capo Rosso.

Arriving at the beach, we enjoy the sun and go swimming extensively. The beach also has a lot to offer for snorkeling. The water is super clear and the rocky coast at the edge of the beach offers a very beautiful underwater landscape with many fish.

Towards afternoon we make our way home to the accommodation, to then eat very tasty pizza evening in Cargèse in the U Tragulinu.

Day 7: Boat trip to Capo Rosso, drive through the Calanches & arrival in Calvi

In the morning we pack our things quite early to check out of our accommodation.

Then we make our way to the harbor, as we have rented a driver's license-free boat at Nautic Evasion for this morning. On site we get a very good briefing on the boat and the places and beaches worth seeing.

We start from the port in the direction of Capo Rosso. Already on the way there the coastal landscape is really impressive. Once there, we drive from a small basin located in the rocks through the highlight of the route, a small rock arch, a kind of grotto about 20-30 meters long. Here we have to be careful, we don't want to risk a scratch in the boat. Afterwards we make our way back. We keep to the coast and explore the bay on the southern side of Capo Rosso. Back in Cargèse we return the boat and eat another ice cream.

From the harbor we make our way to our next accommodation in Calvi. The coastal road through the Calanches is a real adventure. The single-lane road winds up the mountain through the red rocks. No wonder you need about 2h 30min for the nearly 100km to Calvi.

In Calvi arrived we refer our Mobilehome on the Campingingplatz Dolce Vita. Before we cool off in the sea we go briefly in the nearby Spar for dinner shopping.

Day 8: Calvi city center

Today we start after breakfast to Calvi to have a look at the town. We park our car at the large parking lot at the entrance to the town.

From here we explore first the new town at the harbor with its many small stores. Subsequently, we make ourselves of the Christoph Columbus Monument on in the Citadel of Calvi, which lies elevated on a rocky outcrop. In addition to the small alleys, an impressive view of the harbor and the surrounding sea awaits us here.

After exploring the citadel, we make our way back to the harbor for an aperitif in one of the countless cafes.

Afterwards, we make our way back to the accommodation to cool off in the sea in the afternoon.

In the evening we go to Le Belgodere to eat delicious pizza and burgers. It's also perfect to watch the sunset from here!

Day 9: l'Ile Rousse, St. Florent & arrival at our accommodation near Bastia

In the morning we have breakfast before checking out of our Mobilehome in Calvi. Our last after we spend near Bastia to have a short way to the ferry the next day.

From Calvi, we make our way to nearby l'Ile Rousse. We park our car at the port and start from the small city market with regional products in the center of l'Ile Rousse. The downtown is pleasantly busy, otherwise it was always quite empty in all places so far. After we have explored the city center, we walk a little towards the lighthouse.

Afterwards we continue our journey to St. Florent. Once there, we eat an ice cream sundae at the restaurant l'Europe and then explore the small city center. Before we in our accommodation near Bastia driving still buy in St. Florent to grill in the evening.

The last meters to our accommodation are somewhat arduous and only with a car with enough ground clearance to cope. But the way is worth it, the accommodation is very nicely furnished and only about 2 minutes away from the beach.

Once there, we head straight to the beach to refresh ourselves in the sea after the car ride. The beach is very beautiful and natural!

Back at the accommodation we barbecue one last time and enjoy our last evening.

Day 10: Bastia, Leaning Tower of Pisa & Departure

In the morning we sleep in to be fit for the long drive home. After getting up, I take the opportunity to go swimming in the sea one last time.

We then check out and head to Bastia, from where our ferry departs at 14:00. We park our car near the port and have breakfast in a small café.

Afterwards we explore a little bit the city center, before we arrive with the car at the port. We can go directly on the ferry. Preferably we would have stayed longer on Corsica.

Our ferry arrives back in Livorno. On the way home we would like to look at the Leaning Tower of Pisa (about 25 minutes from the Port of Livorno). We park our car at a parking lot about 5 minutes walk from the leaning tower. We explore the grounds a bit before heading home.