
Around afternoon we make our way to Munich airport, from where our flight departs around 7. Arriving in Malta, we pick up our rental car at the airport and make our way to our BnB.

The old townhouse in Siggiewi with its high ceilings is very impressive and we are already looking forward to spend the next evenings on the roof terrace (with jacuzzi). Although it is already late we set out to find a bar. Most bars have already closed, but in front of and in the TY's Bar Siggiewi some people are still cavorting.

We drink another local beer and buy a few bottles of water for the night.

Day 1: Temple Hagar Qim and Mnajdra, Ghar Lapsi & Rabat

After breakfast on our roof terrace, we make our way to the temple complex of the Temples of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra. This has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992 and is one of Malta's most famous sights.

The entrance fee is 10€. At the entrance, an exhibition about the history of the temples awaits us directly. The exhibition is rounded off by a 3D film about the original appearance of the temple complex.

Then we explore the temple complex and its impressively large stones. The largest of these monoliths has a weight of 20 tons!

After we have explored the whole complex we make our way to the blue grotto. Unfortunately, the swell is just too strong, which is why just no boat tours are possible. A sign tells us, however, that one can ask under the telephone number +356 2164 0058 whether a visit is just possible.

Instead, we continue from here to Ghar Lapsi to do some snorkeling. Unfortunately, the water is quite murky from the swell, but still very pleasant as refreshment.

From here we make our way to Rabat. Under the city lie the St. Paul's Catacombs. We follow a sign to Triq Sant Agata, where the entrance to the catacombs is located. The entrance fee is 5€. From the entrance, a staircase leads down into the catacombs. From here we explore the underground tunnel system on our own. Hard to imagine that about 1400 dead people were buried here in the past.

After we had explored the catacombs we walk still something by the lanes of Rabat and refresh us at Ta' Doni with an aperitif. Since we are all hungry, we share an excellent plate of local cheese, local sausage and much more there.

Afterwards, we make our way back home. On the way we buy some meat and side dishes to grill at home on our roof terrace.

Day 2: Blue Grotto, Dingli Cliff, Malta National Aquarium & Paradise Bay

Today we inquire directly in the morning whether boat tours to the blue grotto are possible again. We are lucky, the sea has calmed down again. So we set off first to Wied Iz-Zurrieq, from where the boats depart to the blue grottoes.

Once there, we buy tickets (8€ per person) and can get directly into one of the small boats. The view of the cliff is very impressive. While our driver steers the small boat through the waves, we also quickly realize why a ride was not possible yesterday. Arrived at the grottoes, the water shines picturesquely blue. Also the ride through the rock arch is really impressive.

After arriving back at the shore we make our way to the Clapham Junction. This consists of prehistoric grinding tracks, whose origin is disputed. One variant assumes that they were made when limestone blocks were transported to the construction sites of the megalithic temples. We park our car and follow the path or soon the grinding tracks to the crossroads.

Afterwards we make our way to our next destination, the Dingli Cliffs. In the meantime it is already noon, which is why we first have lunch at The Cliffs restaurant when we arrive there.

Strengthened we drive back some meters to walk to the Dingli Cliffs Viewpoint. After about 5 minutes we reach the viewpoint. The view on the 214m high cliffs is really impressive from here!

Back at the car we drive to the Malta National Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the Maltese Islands. Here there are over 175 species to marvel at. Very impressive is the tunnel, which leads through one of the basins!

Before we go home we make a stop in the Paradise Bay to cool off in the sea. Here, too, a really beautiful beach awaits us, but the view is unfortunately somewhat clouded by the nearby harbor.

Day 3: Valetta

Today we make our way to Malta's capital Valetta. Who wants to drive here by car to the city must pay a toll. We therefore decide to drive to Vittoriosa and from there take the ferry (15 minutes) to Valetta over.

We find in Vittoriosa directly a free parking lot and make us on the way to the ferry. This drives until evening in 15-minute intervals. The timetable is available here.

Once we arrive in Valetta, an elevator (included in the ferry fare) takes us directly to the Upper Barrakka Gardens. From here you have a perfect view over the Grand Harbour of Valetta! Daily at 12:00 o'clock is shot with one of the cannons of the Saluting Battery, which stand on the terrace below the Upper Barrakka Garden. We don't want to miss that, so we decide to bridge the time with a coffee in the Upper Barrakka Gardens.

After the gun salute we set off to explore the city center. We make ourselves as the first on the way to the Triton Fontain. From here we stroll through the city until we arrive at the St. John's Co-Cathedral. We pay an entrance fee of 10€, which is worth every cent! The interior is very impressive in contrast to the rather plain exterior! In the church is also one of the most important works of the church, the painting "The Beheading of John the Baptist"!

Then we continue to explore the city until we arrive at the Fort St Elmo. This was designed as early as 1552 and could effectively defend both harbor entrances. Historically, it was used to defend Malta until World War 2. Nowadays, the fort houses the National War Museum. Here the impressive war history of Malta can be experienced. Unfortunately, the museum closes already at 18.00 and we manage to explore unfortunately only about half of the museum. Gladly we would have spent more time here!

Slowly the day also already leans to the end. We make ourselves again on the way into the city and look for a Maltese restaurant. Our choice finally falls on the La Pira Maltese Kitchen.

After a very tasty meal, we make our way to the port. Since it is already late we would have to wait 20 minutes for the next ferry. But right next door we see a driver with his small boat, which drives us for a few euros alone back to Vittoriosa. During our crossing there are fireworks over Valetta, our timing for the crossing could not have been better!

Arrived in Vittoriosa we make our way home to our accommodation. There we drink another beer on our roof terrace.

Day 4: Mdina & Departure

Today is already our last day in Malta. We have an extensive breakfast before we say goodbye to our bnb. We use the time until our departure at 4 pm to visit Mdina.

Once there, we explore the alleys and medieval walls of Malta's former capital. To dive even deeper into the history of Malta, we visit the Mdina Experience. Here a film about the history of Malta awaits us, then we continue through an audio-visual show. This consists of many individual "stage sets" which are brought to life by lighting and our audio guides.

We then make our way back to our rental car. Near the parking lot, we eat at Chez Eman Maltese Ftira at lunch, before we make our way to the airport.